About Us

  • hoardinggo is end-to-end solution of doing outdoor advertisement campaign in india , Because we own managed Design ! Print ! Publish and we also provide facility of revisit the campaigns how its going on its oon demand service
  • hoardinggo is consulting and service providing company in outdoor advertisement
  • we work hard to complete outdoor advertisement campaigns for businesses/Brands/MSME/Individuals
  • we are the only company that is trying to connect flex printers and billboard owners together with businesses and brands.
  • hoardinggo gives chance to sellers and buyers a to trade with each other at 0% commission, where vendors can only sell products related to the outdoor advertisement eg. Promotional Material(Brand tape, Packaging material),sign boards,Promotional tshirt,Led panels etc.

HoardingGo is leading plateform where business/brands can manage their advertisement campaign at single platform,insted of using individual service by multiple service providers.

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4/608, V.O.C. Street, Kottivakkam, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Perungudi, Chennai Tamil Nadu 600041


+91 628 349 4840

Beware of Fraud calls and email from similar name or mobile numbers, we are responsible of only contact details mentioned on our website portal Don't share any personal information or loss trapping information to anyone

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