Cancellation & Refund Policy

I (Business/Company who wants advertisement campaign), flex printer and hoarding owners here diclare that all purchasing booking, orders, fees, payment done by me not by anyone else

HoardingGo is not liable to pay me or refund me plateform fees in any condition.

I will not demand for return plateform fees.

For (Business) I pay consulting fees is not comes under return policy, left booking amount will be return

Reschduleing is free from me but if I cancel all advertisement campaign after the payment, then I will be liable to pay cancellation fees.

  1. For (H-Mall)

    Hoardinggo is only facility to help merchants, vendors and customers in sales through hoardinggo mobile app at (H-mall category), We are only responsible in the conditions for returns if both seller and buyers will be do deal by knowing us.

    But if they do deal their own by getting contact details’ of each other and will not inform to hoardinggo.

    Hoardinggo not responsible for any type of loss or benefits or return in this condition.

    We request you to reduce to conflicts with sellers or buyers and get a valuable services, please let hoaridnggo know before doing any deal.

    Because we are not directly involved In any type of manufacturing or sale of product,so also hoardinggo is not liable for any type of return pay by us.

    We can request to our respected seller to provide you best serives or refund the amount if your send back their product to them on their destination. Its only possible if your Purchasing number will be available with us,other cases we are not responsible if your deal is done out of platform.

  2. For Business Owners(who willing to start their advertisement campaign)

    In conditions if any brand of company directly contact to our vendors and ask for more discounts and then id any future conflict rise/or any type of fraud done by anyone to anyone , In that case hoardinggo is not responsible for anything.

    Return means in our catergory is to stop order or flex priting or publishing hoarding in the not possible to stop it.

    So, if you want to start after sometime or reschedule the task then you have to reschedule it before confirm send to hoardinggo

    If you Cancel the task before start the printing task by our vendors then only consulting fees will be applicable, In case you cancel task after printing the task given by you then cancellation fees will be charge.(cancellation fees depends on how much percent of task complete)

We request to read all return policy carefully.

HoardingGo is leading plateform where business/brands can manage their advertisement campaign at single platform,insted of using individual service by multiple service providers.

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4/608, V.O.C. Street, Kottivakkam, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Perungudi, Chennai Tamil Nadu 600041

+91 628 349 4840

Beware of Fraud calls and email from similar name or mobile numbers, we are responsible of only contact details mentioned on our website portal Don't share any personal information or loss trapping information to anyone

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